FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Session

Tuesday 2 September

18:00-19:30, Grand Auditorium

L'Oréal Foundation

Curt Rice
University of Tromsø, NO

Confessions of a male sexist: What you and I are doing to hold women back, and how to stop

In this talk, Curt Rice will present evidence-based arguments on three issues:

  1. The causes of divergence between the careers paths of men and women in science.
  2. The reasons we should be concerned about this divergence.
  3. The steps we can take to repair it.


Curt Rice is a professor of linguistics at the University of Tromsø. He leads Norway’s Committee on Gender Balance in Research and is the Chair of the board for Current Research Information System in Norway (CRIStin). He has been involved in several European Union projects: as a member of the Science Leaders Panel for genSET, as a member of the management committee for genderSET, and as a member of the advisory board for EGERA (Effective gender equality in research and academia). Rice was the Pro Rector for Research in Tromsø from 2009-2013 and was the Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics, A Norwegian Centre of Excellence, from 2002-2008. He was a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study 2013-2014. Rice writes and speaks extensively on issues related to leadership in universities, open access publishing, and gender balance. His writings on these topics regularly appear in The Guardian, HuffingtonPost, The Conversation, and many other outlets, and also appear on his blog at curt-rice.com. His work on gender equality has been profiled in Science, Nature and The Lancet.

followed by panel discussion - details to follow